“We believe that when people
collaborate and technology
helps them they achieve
incredible things.”

Kateryna Balaban
Managing director of non‑profit AgiLawyer Society
“We believe that when people collaborate and technology helps them they achieve incredible things.”
Kateryna Balaban
Managing director of non‑profit AgiLawyer Society
We help legaly solve
seemingly unsolvable
I am Tamara, a single mother born and living in Ukraine.
Currently I and my two little children, Ivan (5) and Igor (3), are fleeing from our village in Ukraine to save our lives but we’re stuck in a refugee camp because of visa obstructions.
Please help me and advise me what I can do.
Hello! I am Valentyna. I’m a refugee from Ukraine, and now I live in Germany.My daughter, granddaughter and I lived in a two-room apartment in a five-storey building in Mariupol. In March 2022, our home was destroyed because of the war. In the state service centre, I registered my destroyed apartment, but nothing happened. Now the city is being run by different authorities. I am far away and worried. I have the documents proving the apartment is mine. I do not know what I need to do in order to avoid losing my right to the apartment.
Please help me.
I am Svitlana, a 32-year-old teacher from Ukraine. I have two small children and used to lead a pleasant life there.
Then, on August 22nd, I had to flee Ukraine to save my children and begin a new life. I arrived in a small town in Germany. The problem is that the waiting times to get a visa are extremely long. I am therefore stuck in a refugee camp, waiting for the next steps.
Do you think you can help me?
I was registered as a self-employed person in Ukraine and received temporary protection.
Now, I need assistance with where to register to receive some financial support, as I have lost all of my income. I would like to ask whether in the future I can do business with a refugee status both in the new country and in Ukraine at the same time.
Many thanks, Oleksiy.
I applied for legal aid after I found accommodation in Germany through a popular website for arranging accommodation.
The person offering the selected accommodation asked me to go through a verification process, referring me to a fake website, through which I also made a rental deposit and paid the first two months’ rent. I should have received a warranty card, but instead I lost the money from my deposit, as well as the two months’ rent. The money was transferred to an account in another country. I contacted the accommodation agent and it subsequently emerged that this was a fraud.
Can you advise me on what next steps I should take?
Your donations make difference
Your donation is critical to our ability to provide access to justice to those in need, it can make a significant impact on the lives of those who need legal aid services. Together, we can create a more just and equitable world, where everyone has access to justice.
Your contribution will enable us to connect more individuals with pro bono lawyers and help them navigate a wide range of legal issues, including family law, immigration, housing, employment, and more.
Your donations help us:
- maintain and update our platform
- manage legal cases
- ensure the quality of legal assistance provided
- pay people to work at the Ukrainian-speaking help desk
- pay in-house attorneys and develop a community of lawyers
- utilize artificial intelligence and chatbots, and faster legal case clearance

Please consider supporting us and be a part of our mission to make legal aid more accessible and equitable.
Thank you for your generosity and dedication to our community.
Maecenata Foundation
With the Transnational Giving programme, the Maecenata Foundation supports a large number of charitable projects abroad through specific donations in Germany.
Your donation through the Maecenata Foundation is tax deductible.
If you have any other ideas as to how you could support us,
please contact us via info@ua.support
or use our contact form.